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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Natural Acne Treatment:6 Effective Natural Acne Remedies by Agnes Scott

Do the words "benzoyl peroxide" scare you? To some people, this cheap, common and effective acne treatment brings to mind weird chemical compounds concocted in some mad scientists lab. Sometimes, in my more paranoid moods, I too feel a bit creeped out by the thought of voluntarily applying this stuff to my face. There is really no problem, though. This chemical has been used as an over-the-counter remedy for acne for many decades, and no connection to any malignant diseases have been reported so far.

Still, it is partly due to strange and complicated chemical names like these which have fuelled the public's search for natural acne remedies and treatments. Here is a list of natural compounds which people have successfully used to get rid of acne:

Salicylic acid. Don't laugh. I don't agree that salicylic acid is a natural acne treatment, but some experts claim otherwise, including a doctor at the Mayo Clinic. Maybe it was natural before the big cosmetics companies got their hands on it. Still, like benzoyl peroxide, there is no doubt that it works for many people.
Tea tree oil. This is the most famous natural acne remedy. You can easily find many commercial preparations in various concentrations. It is more expensive than benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, but it, too, has been shown to work for many people. The downside is that there is no standard for measuring the concentration. You are best off choosing a brand which has a wide range of different concentrations, starting with the lowest concentration to make sure there are no side effects for you. Yes, even natural acne treatments like tea tree oil can have side effects, not just lab-created treatments like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.

Olive oil extract. This is not well-known to the public, but has long been used in the Mediterranean, dating all the way back to ancient Greece. So all of you pale-faced white men of Anglo-Saxon extract can go ask your Greek and Roman friends what the best local brands are and how to use it.
Licorice root extract. Another ancient natural acne treatment, also thousands of years old. It is better known for treating upset stomachs, but is quite capable in getting rid of your acne as well.
Green tea extract. This is a natural acne remedy from the far-East. Better known for its effect on cancer and cholesterol, its extract is nonetheless effective against acne.

Aloe vera extract. This is quite well-known as a healing agent in some places. Also effective in helping to heal your pimples.
Which of these should you use? Frankly, different remedies, natural or otherwise, have different levels of effectiveness on different people. There are times when tea tree oil works for me, there are times when I need to switch to benzoyl peroxide. If you only rarely get acne breakouts, then you may prefer to stick to the lab-based chemicals since they have a longer shelf-life. The natural stuff do not last as long, but you can extend their life by keeping them in your refrigerator.

About the Author
Are you looking for natural acne skin care techniques? Visit to learn step-by-step, permanent acne care treatment.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Preventing and Treating Acne

Acne can be avoided by treating the facial skin in certain ways. One thing that can be done to avoid it is to keep the face clean. This may sound obvious, but one other thing to consider is the fact that if you begin scrubbing your face really hard, it can strip away essential oils. This can make the acne problem worse.

Anything that you put near your face can transfer bacteria and oil onto it, which can cause acne. Even your own hair can be a problem. Also, keeping out of the sun helps to prevent acne. The diet is also important. Although things like pizza and chocolate are believed to cause acne, they don't for everyone. Some people are just sensitive to certain foods in that respect.

If you do get acne, it's not as hard to treat as you might think. Washing with the right over-the-counter products does work. Try not to pick at them because this can make the problem worse. The reason for this is that it can cause the spots to go deeper beneath the skin's surface.

Some people think that acne takes a long time to get rid of. This is not always the case. Often changing your diet can treat it. Omega 3 is a good think to have, as this contains oils which counter it. Fibers should be plentiful in the diet because they can help wash out any toxins that may be causing it.

Another possibility is that the body may not be getting enough vitamins. In this case, fresh fruit and vegetables are the answer. They will make a good contribution to loading up vitamins and minerals.
These are all things that can help prevent and treat acne. Hopefully, this will help you to stop getting it, or be able to overcome it if you do.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Acne Remedy -Understanding the Top Causes to Help You Solve YourAcne Problem Fast

Understanding the cause of acne is the first step in finding an effective and efficient acne remedy for all the various types of acne that can be contracted.

The view of what factors are involved in the cause of acne has undergone changes over the recent decade. A better understanding of the causes of acne is instrumental in determining the best acne remedy for any individual case. Factors that were widely considered to be the cause of acne in the past have not always been found to have as large of an impact on the breakouts as was previously thought. For example, acne is not caused by dirty skin. The cause is much more complicated than just simple lack of personal hygiene. Here are some of the factors that affect acne and its severity.

Previously, the role of heredity in the incidence of acne and the severity of the lesions has been somewhat in question. More recent research, however has pointed out that the genetic factor is not one which can be ignored in an acne remedy. The research has verified that not only does a family history of acne mean a greater incidence of acne lesions, but the onset of acne is likely to be younger and more severe. Further, there is a positive correlation between family incidence of acne and therapeutic difficulties in treating the lesions effectively.

Another primary factor in the cause of is the hormone levels in the body. Puberty is a time of tremendous changes in almost every organ of the body, as well as the hormonal levels. The increase of hormones, usually in early puberty have a strong positive correlation with the breakouts of acne blemishes on the skin of the face, shoulders and sometimes back of the adolescent. An acne remedy that controls the hormonal level is very effective in some patients. In fact, birth control pills have been proved to be effective and are sometimes used in the treatment of acne lesions.

Although cleanliness is important in an effective acne remedy, it is important to note that acne is not caused by dirt. This is a myth that is still stressed by some people who are undoubtedly well meaning, but not necessarily helpful. Use a gentle and regular cleansing routine regularly on your complexion for the overall health of your skin. Treatments with a mild soap, products that contain salicylic acid, and for more stubborn cases, benzoyl peroxide to dry up the lesions and provide a gentle moisturizing action are most likely to provide positive relief for the personal suffering from adolescent acne. Blackheads associated with acne are not caused by dirt plugging up the hair follicle, but rather by pigment in the skin.

Another old wives tale that has been debunked is the belief that there is a direct cause and effect link between foods such as chocolate and the incidence and severity of acne lesions. An avoidance of such foods may be healthful for other reasons, but avoiding chocolate or other fatty foods will not guarantee an acne remedy. Eat healthfully, for the sake of your body's health, but don't expect dietary considerations to totally remove the scourge of acne.

About the Author
A great deal more information on the subject of acne and how to find an effective Acne Remedy to prevent further breakouts can be found at

Published At: www.Isnare.comPermanent Link:

Monday, September 22, 2008

Treating Acne For Sure

Treating acne is not hard as you may think of, especially with advancement of our current medical science.
However, many people loss the basic of foundation of treating acne that cause them failure in curing acne they have. While hundreds of millions dollars advertisings presented in front of you every day, and even if you buy them all, it is pointless if you don't know the basic first off.

What is The Foundation

The first foundation is the basic motivation. What is the cause you want to get rid of acne? What kind of condition you want to have after handling your acne. Identify this cause will make a huge different in your acne treatment. It will serve you during the hard time and remind you when you get setbacks.
Remind yourself over and over that you will not stop trying until you get rid of acne. This is what called autosuggestion and this work like a charm.

Distinguish The Fact from The Hype
There are millions of words being talked everyday, and most of them simply useless, this one especially true when it comes to acne. In curing your acne you will find many myths that have no value at all to help you. So you need to know which is the myths and which is the truth, you will not want to react based on wrong direction and eventually hit a tree. Our website has an article that discuss more specifically on this.

Discipline - The Key to Your Success
Treating acne is a matter of discipline. It is useless to buy products worth thousands of dollars if you not use them. It is useless to read hundreds of pages if you need use the information. So the first step of all is making acne treatment become your daily habit. Just keep doing your treatment once at a time, in the end you will get what you wanted, the clean skin.

About the Author
Read our curing acne guide and acne product review. Visit our site at

Published At: www.Isnare.comPermanent Link:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Treating Acne Naturally

Treating acne has always been difficult for some. Either the products don’t suit you or the acne just don’t respond to it. Chemical products found in acne products may be helpful but it can also be harsh to your skin. Treating acne naturally will aid you in preventing acne while giving you the benefits of a clearer face without the chemicals.Natural everyday products found virtually anywhere are cheap, effective and beneficial for you and your skin.

1. Oatmeal – Not only is it good for eating, oatmeal can be made into a facial mask to clear up acne. Oatmeal draws impurities deep within the skin and absorbs excess oil. Simply spread all over the face, let it sit for ten minutes and rinse off. Results will show almost immediately when applied to face on a regular basis.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar – This form of vinegar balances out the skin’s pH level while killing off bacteria and absorbing excess oil. Pour a small amount of diluted apple cider vinegar (eight parts water in one part vinegar) in a cotton ball and apply to problem areas. You can change the dosage of the diluted vinegar to a stronger one if you don’t have sensitive skin. Let the solution dry and rinse off after ten minutes.

3. Lemon / Lime Juice – If vinegar doesn’t sit well with you, you can opt for lemon or lime juice instead. Containing citric acids, it exfoliates the face helping dry acne spots fade.

4. Tea Tree Oil – Commonly used and seen in households, tea tree oil can be purchased in most supermarkets and groceries. Apply tea tree oil directly on the problem areas or you can mix it with jojoba oil so you can apply it one the whole face.

5. Toothpaste – Yes, toothpaste can be a means to treat acne naturally. For people on the go, you can directly apply a dab of toothpaste on a zit to reduce redness and irritation.

6. Baking Soda – Found in most kitchens, baking soda is an effective exfoliant. Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a paste. Gently massage the paste onto skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Rinse off immediately.

7. Aloe Vera – Mostly applied to burns, aloe vera has been an effective way to treat acne naturally. It deems effective in removing acne scars and spots.

8. Egg Whites – Separated from the yolk, egg whites heal acne prone skin. It also absorbs excess oil that can cause more breakouts. Beat egg whites until frothy and let it sit on the skin for fifteen minutes. Rinse off afterwards.

9. Cucumber Juice - Cucumbers cool down skin. When applied to skin with acne, cucumber is an effective way to treat acne naturally by preventing swelling and further irritation.

10. Eating healthy foods that include the products above can help prevent acne. The vitamins from those produce strengthen the skin, which can then lead to a blemish free face. Fighting acne inside out is a faster way to get rid of your problem. Treating acne naturally can be both healthy to your skin and your body.

About the Author
Author is the webmaster of Acne Products. More Treating Acne Naturally information available.
Published At: www.Isnare.comPermanent Link:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Understanding And Treating Your Acne...

Acne refers to plugged pores, pimples, cysts and nodules that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, upper arms and upper legs, according to the dermatology academy.
While acne isn't life-threatening, it is disfiguring, can lead to permanent scarring, and is an emotional and social burden.

Acne is caused by changes in hormones, heredity and skin type. Hormones that cause physical maturation also cause sebaceous glands of the skin to produce more sebum, or oil. Male hormones have a greater effect on sebaceous glands than female hormones.
During puberty, the cells of the skin that line sebaceous follicles (the glands with a hair shaft) shed more rapidly. When the cells mix with the increased sebum, they can plug the opening of the follicle and the follicle swells with sebum.

When the skin bacteria called P. acnes multiplies in the clogged hair follicle, the skin becomes inflamed. Sometimes, inflammation spreads to surrounding skin, forming blackheads, pimples and nodules.
Teenagers with parents or a parent who had acne are more likely to get acne themselves. In addition, teens with oily skin have a greater risk of acne than teens with drier skin.

Types of acne
When the plugged follicle (called a comedo) is open, it is called a blackhead. When it's closed, it's called a whitehead.
Papules and pustules are commonly called pimples. A papule is a cellular reaction to acne, resulting in small, slightly elevated solid lesions. A pustule is a dome-shaped lesion containing pus.
A macule is the temporary red spot left by a healed acne lesion.
A nodule is a solid lesion that is inflamed, extends into deeper layers of the skin, is painful, and may cause tissue destruction resulting in scarring.

A cyst is a large pustule that is inflamed, extends into deeper layers of the skin, is painful and can result in scarring.
When patients suffer from acne, they are recommended to use a mild cleanser. An inexpensive, non-drying soap used daily is the best way to clean the face. Doctors tell them not to scrub their skin and to avoid harsh cleansers. Most "acne soaps" contain salicylic acid, which can be drying to the skin and can make inflammation worse, especially when combined with medication. Many patients discontinue medical treatment, not realizing it is the soap that is causing irritation.

Patients also give up on using medications because it generally takes at least four to six weeks for them to take effect. It is important for teenagers to understand that their skin may get worse before it gets better. Encourage your teen to "hang in there" and use medicines as prescribed. If skin becomes too dry, it is best to try a non-comedogenic moisturizer, that is, one that does not block pores. Neutrogena and Cetaphil products are quite good, but one can also look for "non-comedogenic" on the label of your preferred moisturizer. Also, one should ask his or her doctor if medication can be taken every other day.

For mild acne, topical antibiotics such as keratolytic are usually prescribed. A keratolytic is an agent that decreases the shedding of skin cells that causes comedones to form. One that is available over-the-counter is benzoyl peroxide. It is available in several strengths (2.5% to 10%), so use the lowest strength that is effective. This medicine also comes in a prescription body wash, which is great for treating larger areas such as the back or chest. Other keratolytics include adapalene and topical tretinoin. These are available by prescription in varying strengths and vehicles such as creams and gels.

If acne becomes more red or inflamed, a topical antibiotic such as clindamycin or erythromycin may be added to treatment. These agents will reduce the amount of pimples on the skin's surface and decrease inflammation. Many topical antibiotics now come formulated with benzoyl peroxide. Creams or gels with this additive can be used once a day and have been shown to decrease bacterial resistance to the antibiotic.

If acne is cystic, most doctors will recommend an oral antibiotic. The most common include doxycycline, minocycline or erythromycin. An eight-to-12-week course of treatment is recommended for maximum benefit.
Because hormonal changes continue into adulthood, that may impact acne. For example, ovarian cysts and pregnancy may cause hormone changes that lead to acne. And some women get acne when they discontinue birth control pills because those pills help keep acne under control.
Acne that appears for the first time in adulthood should be checked by a doctor. Some drugs and industrial chemicals may induce skin problems. Chronic pressure on the skin - by backpack straps or a violin tucked under the chin, for example - may induce a form of acne.

Patients suffering from severe acne should visit a dermatologist, who will most likely prescribe a course of oral isotretinoin, a more serious medication. Be advised that pregnant women should never take isotretinion.

About the Author
Learn all you can about different acne treatment options at to help you decide on the best course of action for you to take

Friday, August 29, 2008

5 Easy Tips For Treating Acne

If you have even a passing interest in the topic of acne, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of acne.

1. Avoid Scrubbing and Abrasives
Scrubbing and abrasives should be avoided. Experts have said that they irritate the skin, which should be left intact as a natural barrier against the acne-causing bacteria.

2. Sun for Beautiful Skin
As you may know, sun does kill bacteria, but it doesn't mean that it won't harm the skin. Note that the sun also acts as an astringent that dries, tightens and clogs the skin pores. Thus, you should just spend limited time under the sun. At least 15 minutes to the face and arms daily is enough.

3. Avoid Extremely Cold Weather
If extreme heat causes clogging of the pores, extremely cold weather causes it as well. So, avoid extremely cold weather so you don't freeze and clog pores. It is ideal that you moisturize your face and body, and stay in temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Swimming Does Help
Exercise for stress reduction by swimming in a properly treated indoor swimming pool. But, use the Ozone purified pool if possible. It is interesting to know that the swimming pool water is typically 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well below the normal temperature of 98.6 degrees of your body. Therefore, the swimming water cools your whole body, including the acne affected areas, while providing excellent exercise to the rest of you. This even reduces stress as well as physical attention.

5. Think Clean
Change linens, wash cloths and body towels after each use. It is for the fact that they are great places for acne-causing bacteria to grow and be reapplied to the skin later. Also, wash white facial cloths, pillow covers, as well as personal undergarments daily with Vinegar, tea tree oil or essential oils of Lime, lemon or orange so to lessen the acne-related bacterial development. It is also often suggested that you apply a natural detergent for washing.
Indeed, there are a lot of ways to control and fight acne, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so far the best one to consider. It is important to note that healthy lifestyles will lead you to attaining a healthier skin and a healthier body. Changing your unfavorable habits will reward you with better general health, more energy, and clearer skin to show the world.

If you were once afraid to make changes, please don't be. Of course, the initial affects may be hard to grasp at first, but as you go on, you will find out that you can quickly learn to adapt with them.
This article is Copyright © 2006, Heather Colman. Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as no changes are made, and the entire resource box is included.

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[Copyright © 2007, Heather Colman. Find more of Heather's articles at eBook Palace. Her articles are available for syndication. Reprinting individual articles is permissible provided no changes are made.]